Triple H Compares Drew McIntyre vs Roman Reigns With The Rock Vs Steve Austin

Roman Reigns and Drew McIntyre are two of the top stars of the company and the top champions of Smackdown and RAW respectively. It seems Triple H desires to see them fight it out, but only when the time is right.

During the WWE Raw panel at New York Comic-Con, Triple H talked about Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre. If the company is able to properly set up their feud, it would be comparable to the feud of The Rock vs Steve Austin.

“The draft is always an exciting time because it creates these — I think in some ways the fantasy moments like I’ll be honest I don’t want to see Drew McIntyre and Roman Reigns yet. I would love to see that percolate because I think that a couple of years down the road Roman Reigns versus Drew McIntyre is a Hulk Hogan/Ric Flair scenario, is a Rock/‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin scenario, and you don’t want to hit that before it peaks. That’s what makes the draft so exciting to me is those moments in time where you were like, ‘well, what if?’ and then ‘what if’ becomes a reality.”
The two Superstars have already faced off against each other before McIntyre got his WWE Championship run. So it will be some time until they feud again.


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