WWE SummerSlam: Apollo Crews vs. MVP For US Title

WWE United States Championship Match
– Apollo Crews vs. MVP

The start:

MVP immediately locks in a submission hold but Crews is able to get out

Mid-match notes:

Apollo Crews counters with some hip tosses. He is in control early on but MVP eventually tosses him off the top rope to the outside.

MVP bounces Crews’ head off the announce table and rolls him back inside of the ring. Right hands from MVP on Crews. Crews kicks MVP in the back of the neck and goes to the top rope. MVP knocked him off and followed with right hands.

MVP suplexes Crews off the ropes. Both ended up on the outside. They get back in at the count of seven. Both recover and Crews splashes MVP twice in the corner and follows with a spine buster and standing moonsault. He gets a two count.

The finish:

MVP goes for the Playmaker but Crews counters with his Spin-Out Powerbomb and follows it with the pin.

Winner & STILL WWE United States Champion, Apollo Crews

After the match, Shelton Benjamin and Bobby Lashley ran out. Crews retreated down the ramp and screamed, “It’s still mine!”


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