Arn Anderson recently shed some light on dissension between the WWE creative team and producers in a new podcast.
“Very rarely in those last 4 years was anything that anyone of us had offered, because you would get a sheet with the Producer suggestions, and names that go by with them, and they never would use any of those suggestions. and I knew my opinion was no longer valued. And you would speak up, it would be taken the wrong way, it was almost like it was Creative vs. the Producers, which was the farthest thing from the truth. We were doing all we could to support their ideas,” said Anderson h/t WrestlingINC.com.
“A lot of them we disagreed with and we’d voice it, and then we’d get kicked around the room, but by the time it got back to the beginning, it was just what was written originally. I just felt like the last 4 years, it was… I always kinda felt like I was one of those, ‘You WCW guys.’ I always felt that way,” Arn revealed.
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