Gerald Brisco To Get His Own Weekly Show

Gerald Brisco was fired from WWE after working with the company for 36 years. Now it seems he already has something that will keep him busy.

Brisco had been teasing an announcement for a long time and now fans finally know what the announcement is about. Ad Free Shows officially announced that they have reached a deal with Brisco in order to give him his own weekly audio show.

Mail Bag Monday with Brisco is coming to Ad Free Shows. Brisco has 50 years of experience in the professional wrestling business. So it is certain he will have interesting stories to tell regarding various aspects of his professional career and stories no one ever heard of.

Every Monday, AFS members will have an opportunity to pick the brain of the man who has spent over 50 YEARS in the wrestling business…Gerald Brisco! Introducing “Monday Mailbag with Gerald Brisco”


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