An altercation occurred outside of the Impact Wrestling television tapings on Friday night in Mexico City between Konnan and Psicosis II. Keep in mind this is not Psicosis from WCW, who is good friends with Konnan.
The beef started like most beefs do nowadays… on Twitter. Psicosis II tweeted he wouldn’t be appearing on AAA television until Konnan was gone from the company. Konnan responded, claiming he saw Psicosis II at the AAA offices and he never said anything to his face.
Furthermore, Konnan went on to say if Psicosis II thinks he is such a top star, then why isn’t he with another promotion such as ROH, NXT, 205 Live, MLW, Impact Wrestling, AEW, etc.
Psicosis II responded he would address the matter face-to-face. And that is exactly what happened last night in Mexico City. Psicosis II showed up, sans mask, and ended up slapping Konnan following a confrontation. Konnan didn’t retaliate and things eventually cooled down.
The tweets that started the whole thing are featured below:
Parece que al unico que le pesa es a ti
sigues con lo mismo, te vi en las oficinas de AAA no me dijiste nada pero yo te sigo diciendo lo mismo si hay tanta calidad porque no te veo en otra empresa grande?
ROH, NXT, 205, MLW, Impact, AEW, Nacion, CMLL, Puerto Rico (IWA, WWC) etc
— Konnan (@Konnan5150) December 20, 2019
Video of the incident is embedded in the player above.

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