WWE has revealed the categories and nominees for the 2019 NXT Year-End Awards. The results will be announced on the Jan. 1st, 2020 episode.
Voting can be completed at this link, or via Tweeting using the designated hashtags:
Female Competitor of the Year – #NXTAwardFemale
- #IoShirai
- #ShaynaBaszler
- #RheaRipley
- #KayLeeRay
- #ToniStorm
- #BiancaBelair
Male Competitor of the Year – #NXTAwardMale
- #TommasoCiampa
- #JohnnyGargano
- #VelveteenDream
- #AdamCole
- #TylerBate
Overall Competitor of the Year – #NXTAwardOverall
- #IoShirai
- #ShaynaBaszler
- #RheaRipley
- #KayLeeRay
- #ToniStorm
- #BiancaBelair
- #TommasoCiampa
- #JohnnyGargano
- #VelveteenDream
- #AdamCole
- #TylerBate
Tag Team of the Year – #NXTAwardTag
- #UndisputedERA
- #StreetProfits
- #GrizzledYoungVets
- #AndrewsWebster
- #VikingRaiders
TakeOver of the Year – #NXTAwardTakeOver
- #NXTPhoenix
- #NXTBlackpool
- #NXTNewYork
- #NXTToronto
- #NXTCardiff
- #NXTWarGames
Match of the Year – #NXTAwardMatch
- #WomensWarGames – Women’s WarGames Match (TakeOver: WarGames)
- #BatevsWALTER – Tyler Bate vs. WALTER (WWE United Kingdom Championship Match, NXT UK TakeOver: Cardiff)
- #ShiraivsBaszler – Io Shirai vs. Shayna Baszler (NXT Women’s Title Cage Match, NXT TV, June 26)
- #LeRaevsShirai – Candice LeRae vs. Io Shirai (TakeOver: Toronto)
- #3StagesOfHell – Adam Cole vs. Johnny Gargano (2-out-of-3 Falls NXT Championship Match, TakeOver: Toronto)
- #RaidersvsERA – Viking Raiders vs. Kyle O’Reilly & Roderick Strong (NXT Tag Team Championship Match, TakeOver: Phoenix)
- #2OutOf3Falls – Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole (2-out-of-3 Falls NXT Championship Match, TakeOver: New York)
- #LadderMatch – Street Profits vs. Forgotten Sons vs. Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch vs. Undisputed ERA (NXT Tag Team Championship Ladder Match, TakeOver: XXV)
- #DunnevsCole – Pete Dunne vs. Adam Cole (NXT Championship Match, Survivor Series)
- #LeevsDijakovic – Keith Lee vs. Dominik Dijiakovic (NXT TV, Aug. 28)
- #WomensFatal4Way – Candice LeRae vs. Bianca Belair vs. Io Shirai vs. Mia Yim (NXT TV, Sept. 18)
- #TagTeamTripleThreat – Grizzled Young Veterans vs. Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster vs. Gallus (NXT UK Tag Team Championship Match, NXT UK TakeOver: Cardiff)
Rivalry of the Year – #NXTAwardRivalry
- #GarganoCole – Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole
- #LeRaeShirai – Candice LeRae vs. Io Shirai
- #RipleyBaszler – Rhea Ripley vs. Shayna Baszler
- #BritishStrongStyleImperium – British Strong Style vs. Imperium
- #DreamStrong – The Velveteen Dream vs. Roderick Strong
Breakout Star of the Year – #NXTAwardBreakout
- #KeithLee
- #DominikDijakovic
- #MattRiddle
- #CandiceLeRae
- #DamianPriest
- #AngelGarza
- #RheaRipley
- #JoeCoffey
- #PiperNiven
Future Star of the Year – #NXTAwardFuture
- #CameronGrimes
- #Kushida
- #IsaiahSwerveScott
- #TeganNox
- #DakotaKai
- #XiaLi
- #Taynara
- #BronsonReed
- #IljaDragunov

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