Jerry “The King” Lawler recently spoke to Memphis Commercial Appeal about how his impending return to Monday Night Raw’s commentary team came about.
Lawler revealed it was Executive Director Paul Heyman who wanted Vic Joseph and Dio Maddin to call the show, but it was Vince McMahon who wanted a veteran to assist them.
“It was (Raw’s executive director) Paul (Heyman’s) idea to put Vic and Dio on Raw,” Lawler said. “Apparently, what I was told, Vince (McMahon) said, ‘You can’t throw these two new, young guys on our flagship show. Call King.’ That’s how it happened.”
Additionally, Lawler agreed to the return because Kevin Dunn told him he could do it as long as he wants, hence why WWE is already looking for a long-term replacement.
“I got a call about it Tuesday morning from Kevin Dunn (WWE’s executive vice president of television production),” Lawler said. “He said, ‘I’ve got a proposition for you. It may be good news, and it may be bad news.’ He knows I don’t like to travel a whole lot anymore, so that was the bad part. I said, ‘What’s the good part?’ He said, ‘We want you back on Raw.’ He told me it’s for however long I want to do it, so that sealed the deal.”

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