Bruce Prichard has officially replaced Eric Bischoff as the Executive Director of SmackDown. While Eric wished his successor well, Prichard himself has weighed in:
“Well, I’d like to say that I think that Eric Bischoff is — first of all, Eric is a friend of mine. And Eric is a good friend of mine that I love personally, I love him professionally,” Prichard said on his Something to Wrestle With podcast h/t 411Mania.com. “And I was sad for the news that came out this past week on a professional level and a personal level. So I want to wish Eric the absolute best. Eric and I aren’t. you know, ‘Oh my god, Eric’s gone! I can never talk to him again!’ Absolutely not. And you know, sometimes in business things happen for whatever reasons. Sometimes you don’t know the reasons and you have to move on. But I do believe that Eric Bischoff is one of the smartest guys I’ve ever met and worked with.”
“I think he’s one of the nicest guys, and he also is a human being. So when you sit there and you make comments through a keyboard, or through your phone. And it’s a faceless, just random thing. Remember that you’re making comments about human beings. And you’re making comments about real people that have families. And real people that yes, we’re in the public eye and I get that. And to a certain point, say and do whatever the hell it is you want to do. But also remember that it’s real life, and that we are human, and that we do have families. And believe it or not, we have feelings. And I know that Eric will succeed. This is like — he ain’t dead! But I just want to publicly wish Eric Bischoff the absolute best in business, life, and everything else, because he’s a good friend and I’m proud and happy to say that he’s my friend.”
Prichard’s latest is embedded in the player below:

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