Jeff Hardy’s Wife Beth And Matt Hardy’s Wife Reby Take Family Drama To Twitter

Jeff Hardy’s wife Beth and Matt Hardy’s wife Reby had a back-and-forth on Twitter regarding Matt’s public comments about Jeff’s latest DWI arrest.

”Kept my mouth shut for too long,” Beth tweeted. “Don’t take ANY info seriously from “family” when it comes to me or Jeff. “Family” quotes are BS. Family should have contacted us first before they made a statement to Twitter. Looks like they’re more worried about their online presence than Jeff.”

“Jeff & I are handling our business,” Beth continued. “Hence no post from either of us about what happened. Going forward, if you don’t hear it from us, disregard it. We don’t need any “well wishes” from “family”.

“I’m tired of pretending. Nothing was ever as it seemed,” Beth concluded.

Reby’s response:

”No matter how much you dislike him, MATT IS STILL HIS BROTHER, here LONG before your ass & is family, not “family”, PERIOD. Any statements from Matt about Jeff don’t need YOUR approval; it ain’t about YOU. I know it kills you to have anyone acknowledge that the facade of a perfect life you try to maintain is a f***ing joke, but not everyone thinks the sun shines out of your asses, Beth, and not everyone wants to be complicit in your “protecting” & enabling of a man who is well on his way to killing himself or someone else. You’re an idiot if you really believe Jeff’s actions don’t affect Matt; they do & he has every f***ing right to speak his mind on HIS OWN BROTHER. Remember, he speaks from EXPERIENCE.

Unlike you, we don’t run & hide from our issues & pretend nothing is or was ever wrong in this house. Matt was the absolute worst & I’ve seen how bad it can truly get. I know how this story ends if you don’t f***ing wake up already. Worry about THAT instead of what is said to “f***ing nobodies online”, as you so eloquently describe their fans. It’s not “talking shit”, it’s living in REALITY & holding people accountable when they need it. Maybe it’s time to put the wine emojis away, drop the Twitter stuntin & put that energy into keeping your man from driving f***ed up on the streets I drive WITH MY CHILDREN before trying to come at a man for addressing his own blood/business partner. In short, & as always, MIND YOUR f***ING BUSINESS.”

Reby continued with several other tweets, including responses to fans that you can read on her verified Twitter account.


  1. […] the midst of drama between his wife Reby and Jeff Hardy’s wife Beth, Matt Hardy tweeted the following about his […]

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